Thursday, September 10, 2009

thoughts: state of confusion.

its been a while where i've been trapped in a state of confusion. at times i have no idea whats right and whats wrong. and to some other people its wrong but it could be right for others. i'll give you some examples that kinda messes my mind a lil.

religion. aite being a buddhist, no matter what you do you go to hell. i've went to singapore and i visited some temple where they showcase some stages of hell (18 stages of hell!beat that stone cold and triple h!), punishment and shit. yea one of it is that you curse, your tongue will be pulled out. i fuckin curse everday. i sing songs that have foul words to it. and you know what something liek arguing with your parents or disobeying ur parents, youu'll go to hell. i mean sometiems you have disagreements rite and all and sometimes it doesnt' turn nice and if there's like so many sins easily to be achieved, why not switch parties and go to christianity? i mean you go to heaven eventually so hey why not?you can like not go to church and all but hey jesus forgives you at the end of the day rite?

business. there is no such thing as being a nice guy in business. which means if you want a promotion or shit, you gotta backstab and do whatever it takes to get it. i mean to be frank, business is a world where everybody is pretty much a scammer. if you would want to open a business you would want to earn more money rite? and at the same time you lower your cost and shit so that means scamming people and all.i don't like the fact that college doesn't teach me the dirty stuff in the business world coz that is what i really want to know. i'm pretty sure every succesful business man have their own dirty little tactics and secrets. so really should i dumped all the moral values that have been taught into me like not cheating and all or should i fuck everyone up if i have to?

hackers. being in a fuckin computing nerd college which i don't really like since i'm not a computing guy at all, i kinda wonder , why be an ethical hacker while you can earn more money by being a cracker?i mean the students always get fed with beign ethical in the computing world but the fact that the matter is that we all go to college to get a good job and to earn more cash. so if its like being able to get more with uh "cracking" other people's shit, then why not? i'm not exactly sure what the fuck i'm talking bout but you get the point.

so you tell me.

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