Tuesday, September 22, 2009

music: stick stickly

just like angry homo kid, i found this band called attack attack!. whats more important is that i found a new rock move called CRABCORE!now this is a brand new addition to my knowledge towards rock poses and moves. i thought the power stance was pretty cool but i gotta say, crabcore is the ultimate move to do. it looks cool on everything, everyone and every etc. this should be the new shit clubs are playing and dancing to. anyways its a music post so i'll let you get it on with the music and the video. you don't watch this shit, you can go fuck yourself.

i'm gonna totally do this and post it in a video someday. seriously.


Way Long said...

looks like they're rocking out and taking a shit at the same time haha

Vincent said...

yes. thats how awesome the crabcore moves are!

gapnap said...

LOL . The MTV make them looks like a punk band ..

Whats up with all the tempo changes ? makes the song sounds like some rojak song .

Vincent said...

wo gapnap finally visits legitdict. i don't know whats up with the band too but i was bored when i found it. eventually i kinda dig it.