Sunday, September 13, 2009

thoughts: 2 in 1 post. what a bargain!

this post was inspired by my couz, shawn. i was at his place after dinner and we hung out and talk some stuff and yea two things that made me want to blog about is "for a malaysian standard" and facebook altercation.

"for a malaysian standard"

every single time i was asked to take a look or check out some malaysia stuff, after its over and shit, the person next to me who showed me will ask this question. "so what do you think......for a malaysian standard". what does people actually mean by for a malaysian standard? am i supposed to forget bout everything that is in the field that has been produced by different countries or am i supposed to just judge this on what you want to hear. i mean seriously if i want people to judge my shit i won't say like , hey check out this song. what do you think for a malasian produced standard? you might as well say this "hey i know this shit kinda sucks compared to other shit you've listen to but can you please say this is not bad because its from our country?"

its not just you couz, but i'm pretty sure all of us malaysians encountered this after lsitening , watching , experiencing some certain locally produced products. to me sometimes its good and sometimes its really good but i always wonder what do they actually want me to say after that specific line? and everytime you wanna be polite , you would say, "for a malaysian standard, hmmm ok oh. not bad oh."i guess that line kinda made a person reconsider their answer again whether its good or bad. "shit if i say its good, i'll downgrade myself","shit if i say bad, he'll think i'm a jackass".

"facebook altercation"

so shawn showed me some feud that he's been getting into with a person. its about some pet for sale kinda lame facebook ass shit. yea it was something bout shawn buying it but the owner don't want to sale. a couple of weeks ago, yit yee had the same shit i think. soemthing to do with that lame bullshit on that trendy book thing. so anyways, he asked me to see the comments and to be frank i don't know what i should say. i mean first of all, i think facebook is bullcrap already. should i say, damn that guy is in pet for sale but he's not selling his pet. or damn your wrong for buying a pet he doesn't wanna sell in pet for sale. to be honest, isn't this a feud that is not worth because of such thing?i mean i cna't give a suggestion like, "go get a life" because you life...... . yea i have no life too. i play guitar everyday. so in conclusion, don't ask me to see facebook comment arguements because i won't make you or myself feel good.

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