Thursday, September 10, 2009

thoughts: its rock, then metal.

a few days ago i had a chat with my bro, wilson and we were just talking bout rock and metal stuff and i thought i wanna blog about it. yea just to be clear to mah friends, i'm more into rock, then metal. yea sure i listen to a lot of metal bands out there and maybe possibly more than rock bands but still i prefer the rock genre more.

here's why, i think rock have more balance in everything compared to metal. you know you take some bands that are classified under hard rock(which is my favourite rock subgenre out of all subgenres) they pretty much have everything like singing(of course), screaming, guitar solos, guitar riffs and other stuff. its not too one sided like all screaming and stuff

i love metal music too but sometimes they tend to be too one sided like the whole song or album filled with screaming or too long solos. yea one thing i don't like about metallica is the god damn long intros. sry way long, if your reading this, i still don't dig metallica. but yea i like some of their songs but still i don't dig the band. and some metal songs which at times i have no problem with, is just way too fuckin long.

so yea this is a pretty short post to clarify my preference in music and if there's a numeric measurement i would say rock gets 10, metal 9.5. i guess i'll let you know my preferences in music in the top 10 fashion.

1. rock (most of the rock subgenres. hard rock,soft rock,punk rock etc etc.)
2. metal ( some of the metal subgenres thrash, symphonic, progressive, metalcore etc etc )
3. classics (jackson, BSB, you know those classic songs that are from the radio back in the 80's)
4. country ( i don't do too much of an exploration in this genre but if i wanna chill from headbanging, this is what i'll go for)
5. some certain commercialized music ( yea i dig songs like big girls don't cry but definitely not boom boom KAPOW!)
6. gangsta rap
7. rap
8. rock (british rock, coldplay and shit. whatever bands that starts with ...the...(there are exceptions though))
9. metal (death metal, black metal, doom metal, those metal songs that truly classified as noise to my ears)
10. techno. worst music on the planet.

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