Wednesday, March 31, 2010

thoughts: comments

as a blogger, i guess the most looking forward to thing besides writing post and your etc etc, are comments. these things are the motivator for the blogger themselves to keep on writing and pushing the limits to squeeze the creativity juice out of the writer just to deliver another entertaining post. but then i guess sometimes, shit doesnt happens. good shit that is. i'm writing this not because i'm complaining that i have too little comments or sometimes no comment at all. while i appreciate the people that comment on my blog a lot(thank you so much for wasting time right here at this dict), i sometimes secretly in my heart wish that i don't see the dudes that always comment on my blog right after i publish the post. what i mean is that, sometimes you just want a comment from an unexpected reader that you never thought would read your blog. but then again i still get excited whenever i get some nice response.

i went off track, btw i'm writing this not because i'm complaining, i'm writing this is because....well really my blog is about putting the realization on life situations on WRITING. actually really this is what my blog is really about. the rock and wrestling thing is just my gimmick. like i would tell people my blog is about rock and wrestling. but really its mostly on thoughts. so lets go on. yea i'm writing this based on what i think is true in the real world for a number of people that goes through the same situation. and after writing it for like i dunno maybe some time and publishing it, you would wish to see comments that exceeds the number 10. but too bad, eventhough i got lots of friends even on my msn list, my blog still fail to generate comments more than blogs that is about their personal life. where they would pretty much start their post with....


posted by XXXX at 12.09 pm 20 comments.

i guess most people are less interested on what you think rather than what you go through. i guess opinion-oriented blogs have a hard start at first. while i'm not trying to be anything big like kennysia or etc(eventhough i once told lamond that maybe i can be like kennysia..LOLZ LOLZ)i just don't feel like talking to the wall.
i want the world to know what i'm writing. but then again i believe blogging is like business as well. you just can't sell/write without doing any promoting or whatever to draw more people. i'll be too lazy to do that anyway just for my blog.

i had a conversation with ck one night along with wei jian and randall where slowhands told me he was quite dissapointed with the lack of response from people in his post about IF I WORK FOR JACK( link is right here )that shit is really good. you should read it. anyways, he told me he placed a lot of effort in that shit but generate less response while another one of his post where he pour out less effort generates more comment. yea that kinda sucks a lil. maybe a lot.

so in conclusion.......please leave your comment or creative response...BELOW (rip off from ray william johnson)


Tzmin said...

nice post...nice your open minded blogging style.keep it up!!

Lawolf said...


anyway i think our blogs are like products. it's not that blog sucks, it's probably because we're selling it to the wrong market.

Kam Tze said...

kinda agree with you here man, but.. imho when they don't leave comments prolly they're agree with you or something XD

gapnap said...

Seriously ,

i would rather a post have 6-10 comments ...not too many.

That way , you can actually respond to them , and give a fvck about what others are trying to say..

Look at Chedet , Kennysia , those with super alot of comments . I am sure the blog owners don't give a crap about their readers .

Anyway , a good friend of mine , once told me . "a good blog is not about the amount of traffic or comments that it gets , but the amount of loyal readers the blog has" ..think about it .

There are many who read , but don't comment .

Vincent said...

tzmin - thanks for the support.

lawolf - yea thats the thing bout it, but then you know when you blog you don't do too much of finding the right readers.

kam tze - hmm now that you said it, i think its pretty true though.

gapnap - but....kennysia earn 10000 per month.....because of high traffic....i want that too...then i can buy nice high end guitars.

gapnap said...

LOL , no . He doesn't :) Those are just rumors lah . Did you know that he came to MM before , and had dinner with a bunch of us ? :P

Anyway , you want money are a few thoughts :

1.Earning RM10,000 a month is one thing , earning RM10,000 a month constantly for the next 50 years , is another thing ..

2.Its not how much you earn , but how much you spent

3.Most of the time , middleman are involve in blog advertising . Just like recording companies , the middleman will always eat the bigger fish , the artist and the blogger will eat the smaller fish .

4.Having high traffic This month because you are a hot shot blogger is one thing , what if next year you are no more than hot shot blogger?

5.Traffics are divided to , trendy traffics and quality traffics . You want quality traffics .

Cheers :)

Vincent said...

the blogging thing is just the bottom level of the golden eye concept only ma. alternative options to earn money.
it also gives more motivation to write the next post at times.