Tuesday, March 9, 2010

thoughts: close of 2009 part 1

its march 10 now and i'm talking bout 2009 now...

so anyways, with the help of my own personal diary, it really helps me keep things in track really easily. and thanks to the almighty Microsoft excel that i once hated a lot because its a subject in my foundation, i'm able to key in things however i like and etc. i guess this post is a little boring as its just about what i did in the year 2009 and not much opinion oriented. but here it goes. (note that the events i list are memorable events to me in specific month and btw my diary only begins on march. so i forgotten what has happened in the remaining months of 2009) this post is sort of long. so i'll split em up to two parts.

- watched one of the greatest matches in wrestling of all time, hbk vs. undertaker and its gonna happent his year again. woohoo!
- one of my best friends lost his parent but he stays strong.
- a love story that happens in level 1. which I'm quite humored by. i was on both sides. too bad i can't really reveal names here. well it didn't last long and the initiator failed in the end. so nice try. girl.

- did a music video of me killing cockroach with killing in the name of song. it was actually a test as i was wondering if i could do vlogs instead. generates more comments and opportunities but then too much effort and i'm not really consistent at these stuffs. just look at my blog also know la.
- another love story that pops out. my good friend from college reveals his love story which he keeps it as a secret from letting other people know. well it ended too but its a much complex matter that is out of the guys hand.
- got emo-ed a little bit over the death of michael scofield. the last episode of season 4 and not the final break.
- very awesome hang out with dad in snooker centre. was thought a lot of secrets and etc etc. too bad i don't play much anymore these days.

- almost knock a stupid bitch who crosses the road when i'm approaching.she got tudung on but i don't think she's a Malaysian. i just learned that in china and Singapore, the cars give priorities to pedestrians to cross the road even though the car and the human is not too far away. so i guess she's from one of those countries that practices this.
- fought with a fat lecturer who makes no sense in grading. tell me , what lecturer grades the groups that present the first week As and groups that present the second weeks Bs? when ask him, he said you could present on the first week and have the advantage. right so if i suck but i present on the first week i'll get A? its sort of a long story. but then i proved my superiority when i gave him the death stare when i bumped into him days later. he never lectures in apiit anymore.

- nothing much goin on. having exam around that time. so the early June was about studying and the late june was about taking the exam.
- yea i just watched one of the greatest movie of all time in my opinion. terminator 2. its so fuckin nice. and btw, just so that some of you could acknowledge the movie as one of the greatest followed up action movie of all time, i'll have you know that its directed by james cameron. the same guy that directed titanic and avatar. now you believe its one of the best action movie right? coz everybody believes whats written on the internet.

tbc when i want to pubish the next post.


gapnap said...

fuck u ! The dark knight pawns Terminator 2 !

Vincent said...
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Vincent said...


now now... we all know james cameron pawns british. lol

Vincent said...