Sunday, February 28, 2010

thoughts:humble much?

aite to explain what the title means, let me give you a scenario. i'm pretty sure that you encounter situations like this. here's how it goes. lets just say that your with a friend and that friend of yours brings you to a place where there's another bunch of people you don't know. and here's what happened, you are asked to join them with your friend to do their stuff. like i don't know maybe sports? badminton? basketball? and then you being humble, say things like "i can't really play but yea i'll join". then your friend say "yea i'm also noob. always kena pawn. can't really play also". then by the time comes, he's way much more better than you are. what the fuck happened to noob? what happened to can't really play also? are you like trying to degrade me? and i'm not talking bout better than me as in he can play better than me slightly but fuck he can actually play.

i think by now you get what i'm saying(hopefully).i think there's a fine line between staying humble and trying to stay humble but just not the right way(being a cock to your friend that is really noob). i don't think by lowering your standards before a game or anything while your standard is actually way higher than what you told people, is staying humble. i mean come on, if your a noob and you play good, does that mean that i suck ever morer? i mean i suck more than you but having to put it that way which is "i also noob la" means la implying that i suck moreremore. its been a couple of times i been into this situation and i'm not really like saying that my friend or the other guy is trying to put him over me. its just that i think that realistic judgment of own skills should be applied here.

but other than that. i think people who do this is just being a lil bit uh...oh i dunno.....COCK!! like those type of people in cyber cafe. ok i encounter this more in sports. yea coincidentally that i'm blogging this while chatting with tuckerock. now not saying that your being a cock but this nice dude once told me while we're in the basketball court that (it goes something like this)

"eh vincent you see me take the ball each time where got enter wan?"
and this is what i told him.
"eh chibai you see me when i got take the ball ar? nobody pass to me also."

yea darren once said this to me in badminton.(and it goes something like this)

"yea i hardly play. don't really know how"
and i said
"the last time i played was in primary school. and it was with my sister. i lost."

then by the time comes, lets just say hardly play and don't really know how is bullshit. again, he's not being a cock. but that's sort of a cock move there. so......humble...much?


mr. hey said...

good shit here. i agree

Wilson said...

they were "accidentally" humble? fuck em!!

San said...

he just being nice to ask u to join...mayb next time u cn try more harder=)...prove that u cn play well too....fxxx them bk!

gapnap said...

At home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don't get very far.
by . Muhammad Ali

Vincent said...

i dunno how and what to reply back to san and gapnap.

thanks for reading.

mr. hey said...

gapnap wants you to boast all you can, to whoever you can. fuck that shit yo

gapnap said...

ahaha..CK , you better fucking update your blog . i everyday check until sien already .