Wednesday, January 21, 2009

did you watch raw last night?

man last night was truly one of a kind. especially with my buyers opinion towards randy orton and his viper awesomeness. the guy has really built himself up as a main event status especially eversince this week of raw. he slapped mr. mcmahon before he could even fire orton himself. after the slap comes a high kick to the head. followed by the "punt kick of doom" to the side of the head.

"heads up"

orton isn't really established as a veteran but more of a young main eventer who just recently complete his built as a legitimate star in the he's a heel(bad guy) and his actions really wouldn't make him a face(good guy).he's the only heel now that has the largest fanbase.

the showed the footage of jeff getting burned in the pyro accident on sd last week. ladies and gentlemen. hardy at his finest...which is being in dangerous and risky situations. well if all this are true, its all a set up for christian to come back. i always like that guy eversince he did the whole peeps thing. his comeback this time may either make him or break him. one chance.

it seems like john morrison and the miz are on wwe tv every single time. they are the only people now to get exposure on three separate shows in a week. i don't mine but still...... swaggah became the ecw champion.THAT FAST?he just came here not long ago. he reminds me of lesnar. for some reason. SWAAAGGGAAAHH

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